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Greg Saul

Greg Saul

Hello! I'm a designer, technologist, and maker, engaged in the art of blending code with the physical world. My enthusiasm lies in the exciting realm where technology meets design, where I dedicate myself to crafting products that not only solve challenges but also enrich people's lives.

Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of collaborating with exceptional companies and individuals—from leading design projects at Microsoft to engaging with innovative researchers in Tokyo. These experiences have not only shaped my professional journey but have also instilled a relentless curiosity and a love for continuous learning.

I'm always eager to connect with users of our products. Your insights and feedback are invaluable. If you have any questions, thoughts, or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out.



Have you ever thought about how we use and rely on our mind every moment of the day, but often spend very little time on how to take care of it? Practicing mindfulness provides a scientifically prove

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